Exhibition text "GommaSpina", by Alessandra Virgili, former St. Andrew's Church, Ascoli Piceno
Giulia Corradetti was born in Ascoli Piceno on August 31, 1982. After obtaining the artistic maturity she attended the course of Decorative Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna, and in 2006 she graduated with full marks.
Her debut in GommaSpina is the result of an intense work born from curiosity and grown in her passion for the natural world, her source of inspiration, shaped and put in dialogue with artificial foam rubber solids.
The natural dimension is dressed in the light and meticulous brushstrokes of millions of pixels combined together, which interpret reality through the eyes of the artist. Despite the resulting upheaval, imaginary objects and beings, painted touch by touch on the virtual canvas, maintain their concreteness in the chiaroscuro. The exhibition is the result of poetic intentionality that finds its key in the playful and disinterested dimension of the Game.
Giulia Corradetti’s World promises fantastic journeys along Succulent Expanses and Rubber Meadows in the company of strange creatures with a captivating appearance that, as we approach, we discover to be of extraordinary vitality.
Absolated in the white virtual space, thorny ice-creams, rubbery bushes and nice worms, apparently immobile entities that intrigue our senses.
It is an invitation to look deeper until we find those microscopic fluctuations and flickers that reveal the animated nature of things.
The artist has created the synthesis of opposites, the soft, light material of foam rubber meets the thorny fruit of the sunny earth, and the compositions created do not betray or contaminate their individuality.
As if they were gears of different machines destined to inexorable incompatibility, they amaze us with their peaceful coexistence.
Thus, in works such as Miao or Spazio di Gomma the ethics of sharing the same space materializes, made possible within a system of thought capable of imposing an alternative logic to the traditional one, the Game.
The fulfillment of the primitive desire to play is only a first objective in Corradetti’s art, which intuits the final goal of the playful experience in achieving the Itai-Doshin, “different bodies, one mind”.
The attainment of the one mind of Buddhahood occurs in the symbiotic encounter of two bodies which, represented in their individuality, look towards the same horizon, the common good.
On the contrary in Dotai-Ishin, the fusion of bodies is superficial and socially imposed, the union is not complete because a part of the body chooses to detach itself from it, folding back on itself and on its own egoisms.
The playful world becomes the example of a possible world that can only be realized when the spirit of “different bodies, same mind” Nichiren Daishonin prevails among people.